An aid workers impressions as she travels the world building toilets.
Latest public adventure: to be determined.
Poems, photos and ramblings abound.

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January 14, 2007

A change of continent...

After 4 years in Africa, I have arrived in Kabul, Afghanistan. Quite chilly and beautiful. A small high basin surrounded by snowy peaks, the air a bit polluted - trapped by the mountains and the ambiance is a bit French - a mission mangaged through our Paris office, but all lovely just the same.
Someone once asked me if wearing a headscarf would bother me. No it doesn't, it's pretty practicle as it is damn cold. It's just like a shirt in our culture - if you're a woman you have to wear one in public. All cultures are sexist, westerners just tend to think we are above it, but we are just used to it in our own way.

As you can see the scenery is pretty impressive - more to come as I get settled in. By the way I am 12 and a half hours ahead of the West Coast.


  1. Salut Trayle! Je suis content d'avoir de tes nouvelles. J'espère que tu vas bien et que tu es contente de cette nouvelle mission. Comment s'est passé ton retour à Baraka? J'espère tout bien!

    Je te souaite une excellente année 2007 pleines de projets et de bonnes surprises.



  2. Guapa!!!
    So good to read you! BTW great idea to have a blogg... The pictures look amazing. It looks like this is going to be a very different mission and very interesting place to work. Good team also!
    Guys, good luck! Courage! I´ll keep reading your blogg, news, pictures, and learning from you, as ussual!

    Besos guapa!

  3. Eh! Vous me manque! I had such a lovely time going back to Baraka for a month. Cool to see the team - so many good promotions... Eddy va bien, et tout l'equipe de food sec aussi. Cryso ete vire, je pense, le jour meme que je suis parti de la. They all asked about you both and asked me to send a big hello to you both from everyone. I send you both the best and hope to see you sometime in europe or elsewhere... Cape Verde?
    kisses and big hugs,
