An aid workers impressions as she travels the world building toilets.
Latest public adventure: to be determined.
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February 3, 2011

Blinded by the night

there is no sand storm
despite yellow stained rays
creeping up the side of shaky skyscrapers
leaning on poorly built lintels
cracked re-bar exposed
under thick un-mortered walls

* * *

So, in the last post I didn't say it explicitly. But here we are, I must... Heisenberg and Bias. Check out the old post, if you haven't yet or if you are new.

* * *

Last night was really incredible. Of course I mention how peaceful it has been, and then it explodes. Do I keep my mouth shut now?

I will not speculate on Why or How or Motivations or Timings of the clashes. I admit that my view of Tahrir square is from 10 km away.

The pro-government protesters approached the square where the anti-government protesters have been for the past week. They charged on foot, on horseback, on camels. A lot of things were thrown by both sides, rocks, sticks, "gas bombs" or molitov cocktails. The front between the two groups shifted back and forth, back and forth as they pushed each other. It was impossible to tell who was who. People got onto roofs. Throwing off chairs and other things.

There was a line of 3 trucks that had no drivers. They were used as a front line, a shield for both sides. They were pushed and moved as the tide of the line moved back and forth.

But that was last night... today is today... now is now... and when you are reading this it will be later.

* * *

Reputable news agencies in this end of the world keep asking leading questions. Interviewing one side only. Using inflammatory language.

There are 80 million people in this country and probably 80 million sides. I guess they can't get to everybody, but maybe more than one would be nice.

* * *

Ego update: Lots of hits on this here humble blog in the past few days. Leave me some comments here! I would love to hear what you like and don't like.


  1. I found your blog via The Island Packet's website. I look forward to reading more...

  2. Thanks Hatter. Come on back.
    I will try to update often as I can...

  3. Came here after reading a delightful recipe -- Asian Bowl (Helium) -- written by you in a clever and joyful way that makes me hungry and happy just reading it.

  4. Trayle, it's been awhile since Aja left me her love mark on my ribs, and making salads by the La Cresta pool. I miss those days too. But to hear about you in Cairo is pretty amazing. Jeanne (she IS my wife!)and I are reading your site almost everyday now. Keep us posted you crazy-insane-freak-mama-in-the-hotbed-of-world-tension.

  5. Thank you Trayle for an insightful and relatively unbiased look at what is happening in Cairo today. Stay safe, and keep blogging. We are hungry for news from Egypt. Friend of your Mom's, you spent the night at our house in Stanwood.

  6. Thanks for reading, Y'all.

    Glad you like the recipes on Helium. Helium was the first writing contest I entered for my "10 writing contests", but I haven't logged on there for a while. Thanks for reminding me. :)

    Todd, Give your special lady friend and the achievers a big hello. Can you believe that was almost 10 years ago?

    I am sure my view has its own biases. Guilty!

  7. Trayle we enjoy your writing and we count on being able to see your observations, opinions -- thank you for sharing so much.
