Be forewarned, some not so PC phrases and four letter words will ensue shortly.
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Tahrir square is full again. Is gassed again. Is exaggerated again.

Elections started in Egypt on Monday. It's complicated. This
infographic tries to explain the election process. There are party candidates or individual candidates, professional or worker seats, and about 19.000 symbols for each one. To me it seems even more fucked up than our own dear electoral college (which is retarded). I mean not fucked up in an evil way, but in a confusing way. Why do people come up with crazy election processes? Just get the people to vote, count the votes, and majority wins. Maybe it can't be that simple, but it also doesn't need to be quite so complicated (and I'm not just talking about Egypt here).
I've been following these elections and those in the Democratic Republic of Congo on the Twitter. Well, all those Egyptian activist complaining about irregularities here should check out the Congo scene.
People died.
Just sayin'.
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Inspiration comes from other bloggers. My friend T. over at
About the Bees blog just had a baby boy too, and she's blogging. On the other hand, J. over at
Tales from the Hood seems to have let it go.
I've been busy or lazy, depending on your perspective. Thinking about these two respectable folks motivates me a little.
Not to be like them, but to be like them.
To say something despite my new found obsession (i.e. my son) and to say it until I've said it so many times in so many different ways that I am done saying it.
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